There are two types of people who don't like this movie:

1. Guys who like the fighting part and then lose interest once its no longer about a bunch of dudes beating the pulp out of each other.
2. Girls who don't like "fighting movies" but watched Fight Club anyway because Brad Pitt was shirtless 50% of the time.

Both of these genre of people probably listen (and sing along to) Nickelback, claim their favorite actor to be Nicholas Cage (interesting sidenote: i find it highly coincidental that both the lead singer of Nickelback and Nicholas Cage share a STRIKING resemblance to one another), and believe that Pepsi tastes better than Coke (ok, this ones not AS black and white). I have decided to name people in this genre as "Severely Misinformed", or "Ignorant as all Hell" in layman's terms. 

Fight Club is terrific; bold in so many ways that it screams "WATCH ME" out at you while at the same time making you want to take a break and just process everything that is happening. From the very beginning the purposefully monotone commentary from Edward Norton is vivid and entertaining, leaving us thinking with lines such as "This is your life and its ending one minute at a time". Then you meet Brad Pitt, who proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he is one of the best actors in Hollywood (long before Benjamin Button), and from there the roller coaster ride begins. Fights, hidden plotlines, crazy characters, blood, sweat, tears, love, drugs, and the glorious twist that has defined this movie for more than a decade. If you don't like this movie, something about your judgment is very questionable to me. It makes you think, it makes you cringe, it makes you laugh, and best of all, it does it all at the same time. 

***Spoiler Alert***

If you've already seen this movie, re-watch it for something very interesting. In case you didn't notice the first time, there are a number of "flashes" of Brad Pitt throughout the beginning of the movie where you see a quick frame of Brad Pitt appear and seems like a glitch at first, until you realize the main plotline (but by that time its stopped happening and you forget it happened). The reason for it is obvious (Brad being the subconscious of Edward, thereby beginning to manifest for brief moments until the first true meeting). Its a fantastic little tidbit that only someone who truly appreciates the finer things about this movie will find should be one of those people. You really should.

Also, I just want to share that this is one of the best endings of any movie I've ever seen. The only movie that comes close is The Usual Suspects, in my opinion. The rising crescendo that culminates into the powerful, moving, guesswork-creating climax leaves you riveted to your seat as you watch the greatest message ever given by the last .05 seconds of a movie. Tyler says it earlier, but you don't even think about it until the Pixies are making you wonder "Where is my mind?", and then you think back to it and suddenly it all becomes clear:

"Self-improvement is masturbation. Now, self-destruction..."